Verb Tense Practice: Changing Forms


  1. Follow the directions to change the form of each sentence.
  2. Decide what verb tense is used in the sentence. Choose the correct tense from the list.
  3. What does this verb tense mean? Choose the correct meaning from the list.

Sentence 1 - Change Negative to Statement

What verb tense?
What does the tense mean in this sentence?

Sentence 2 - Change Question to Statement

What verb tense?
What does the tense mean in this sentence?

Sentence 3 - Change Statement to Negative

What verb tense?
What does the tense mean in this sentence?

Sentence 4 - Change Question to Statement

What verb tense?
What does the tense mean in this sentence?

Sentence 5 - Change Statement to Question

What verb tense?
What does the tense mean in this sentence?

Sentence 6 - Change Statement to Negative

What verb tense?
What does the tense mean in this sentence?

Sentence 7 - Change Negative to Statement

What verb tense?
What does the tense mean in this sentence?

Sentence 8 - Change Statement to Question

What verb tense?
What does the tense mean in this sentence?